So what does Coronavirus mean for my divorce? Well, The recent Covid-19 pandemic has unfortunately been a significant event in all our lives. It has had a massive impact on society and our normal way of living. For those that are currently going through a divorce or have recently completed one, it can also affect.
If you are worried and find yourself asking What does coronavirus mean for my divorce? We would suggest you discuss any concerns you have with your divorce lawyer.
Certain parts of the economy are already struggling and the outcome for some may be redundancy from their jobs. Your divorce lawyer will be able to advise you if your divorce maintenance or settlement must be adjusted because of this. Maintenance provisions are usually variable depending on the circumstances. If there has been a loss of income your divorce lawyer may be able to change what has in theory already been agreed.
Do not just sit there wondering and worrying what does Coronavirus mean for my divorce? Get help as soon as possible, A settlement can be reopened in certain circumstances, something known as the Barder event. A barder event is when something happens which can undermine a settlement that has been agreed due to unforeseen circumstances. This can be used if things have changed because of Covid-19, things such as a change in the value of your assets, changes in your employment status or changes in housing needs. A divorce lawyer can investigate this for you and see if any of the above applies.
The courts may be closed due to coronavirus so this could affect your divorce also and result in a delay. Again, speak to your divorce lawyer on this to see what they can advise you on. Do not sit at home worrying about what does Coronavirus mean to my divorce, find out! Speak to your divorce lawyer as soon as possible.

Broken Heart